What is INTESO Group?
INTESO Group is an industry research and innovation group of independent partnering organizations, industry researchers, techno-entrepreneurs, and developers, which are sharing the business visions and activities in the field of collaborative industrial research, innovation, and development of selected information and communication technologies, related systems, products and services.
INTESO Group Partners
INTESO Group Collaboration Strategy
- Development of products designed for the regional and global markets
- Innovative user-friendly solutions
- Partnering in industrial research and development projects
- Searching of market niches
- Partnering products and services
INTESO Group Product and Technology Platforms
- SITRAC Product Platform
- 3L ExArca Product Platform
- MVS Technology Platform
LENS Living Lab
INTESO Group is the initiator, organizer, and enabler of the international digitalized open research and innovation ecosystem with the mission to support partnering in collaborative initiatives and projects from the areas of the INTESO Group partners' strategic interests
LENS Living Lab.